

is it ok to eat 3 small meals? is it ok to maybe eat 4?  is it ok?  should i be doing something different?  it isn't so much the weight-loss/gain/etc. that i'm freaking about.  it never really is.  it's not about the weight.  i know how to lose weight.  what i don't know how to do is to eat and be OKAY with it.  there's always "other" ways and methods to eating and better or worse ways to do it and i'll never know if i'm doing it the right way or the wrong way.  and don't say there's no right or wrong way because there must be if i get this damned anxious about deciding HOW to eat?  WHEN to eat.  WHAT to eat.  aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhggggggggg


1 comment:

  1. I will definitely be posting pictures when I hatch the chicks :) I probably won't shut up about them for at least a week - I love my animals <3
    I think 3-4 small meals is a good idea because then you won't panic as much because you won't feel as full :) I know when people go into recovery they are told to eat 6 small meals a day because I think it's easier for them that way, but we are all different :) I'm more of a one meal person, but if you just keep trying different things im sure you will find something that works for you eventually :)
    Lottie x

