
input? please?

OK. I have a super hard time deciding what/how/when/where/etc. to eat.  I will list some of the options, the pros and cons I have, and ask: Which would you advise and WHY?  What's your reasoning?  Please.  I really need feedback.
Option 1
  • 1 lemon Larabar (220) during the day, no specific time(s) to eat.
 PRO-the food is self-contained, self-limiting, no counting required; also if I'm hungry at any point in the day I can eat, while not "having" to eat at a time I'm not hungry.
CON-I don't particularly care for Larabars; and if I eat the whole thing real early and then get hungry then I might frustrate myself (but that's my own consequence, I guess).

Option 2
  • 1 meal (100) at noon; 1 meal (100) at 4:30
PRO-I have free choices about what to eat (my cravings will factor into this); and the little boy I watch eats supper at 4:30; and days I don't work, the days I'm in research lab, I still will be done around 4:30; also, I have a break daily ~12PM.
CON-more potential mental stress (because the more often I eat, the more I anxious I am - go figure).
Option 3
  • 1 meal (200) at 4:30 PM
PRO-no thinking involved (one meal is easy to calorie-count); less mental stress (this is true).
CON-I may (and do) get hungry during the day; and it is also easy to overeat (past the 200-mark) when it's been a long day and I'm hungry and I rationalize that it's OK.
[the food network]
Option 4
  • 1 bite of food after every cup of coffee (2-5 x 50)
PRO-the coffee fills me and then the bite of food makes me feel like I've eaten, although I know I haven't, so less mental stress about amount of food.
CON-more mental stress about frequency of food; and it's easy to overdo it if I'm not constantly aware of how much I have eaten already; also if for some reason I'm hungrier than usual, the "voices" in my mind (ED, not real voices) will freak out if I eat more than I said I would.
I'm leaning toward option 2, but I still want input.

1 comment:

  1. I'd say the coffee one, because you can have a lot if different types of food like that and you shouldn't overeat because you won't be hungry, where as I think it's easier to overeat with the others :) also, it's constant energy, so you won't get spikes in your blood sugar and the caffiene will keep you going :)
    Lottie x

