I have unbounded anger. Not towards anyone. Not about anything that makes sense. But at myself because I let myself get this way.
I had control over my weight after many years' battle by last summer. Then med-changes came up, and I was put on Risperdal. I went from 113 to 128 in 2 weeks, and even after going off, haven't lost the weight. Damn fucking Risperdal. Fucking fuck.
So yeah. I'm pissed.
My best friend and "adopted" big sister, Courtney, has had an NG tube for the past week or so. Now she's getting a PEG placed today. I wish so hard I had a PEG; I always have. Honestly, I'm a little jealous, though I'm SOOOOO glad she's going to be fed now. But man, I've been wishing for a PEG for... maybe 5 years? Since my baby sister had one (for cleft palate reasons). It just would be so easy to be fed without having to fucking eat.
no hands, ma!
It's like learning to ride a bike with no hands! Learning again to eat-enough-not-too-much-not-too-little. I had a GREAT day today doing just that.
Breakfast: curried lentils (this is a big deal because I have weird issues with confusing eating breakfast with ruining my day)
Lunch: almonds
Supper: almonds
Before Bed: (I plan to have, as it is not yet late enough and I'm not hungry yet) 1/4 freebirds burrito. I fell in love with these when my sister treated me on my birthday.
I went to a candlelight service last night for the women's ACTS retreat of our diocese. It was wonderful. A much-needed breath of fresh air. So much unbelievable love. The place was filled with the Holy Spirit. It was overwhelming in the best way. Afterward I resolved to start going to mass again with more regularity. I've been feeling so guilty over my binges/purges and confused about the legitimacy of my fasting and also afraid of accidentally purging the Eucharist, that I just avoided church altogether. But now that I'm eating well (although I should not be waiting for that as a condition), I realize my need for more of Him. And I found out (or re-remembered, rather) that there's a daily mass at 5PM at my parish (so no need to wake up ridiculously early), AND it's said, if I remember correctly, by my favorite priest. He's so wise and his sermons always wake me up and get me thinking and out of my comfort zone. Oh, I hope I'm right that it's him saying the mass. I mean, mass is mass, but a good homily can sometimes help a stuck person!
Lastly, I heard a song today with lyrics that really stuck with me; it's from an old hymn:
Breakfast: curried lentils (this is a big deal because I have weird issues with confusing eating breakfast with ruining my day)
Lunch: almonds
Supper: almonds
Before Bed: (I plan to have, as it is not yet late enough and I'm not hungry yet) 1/4 freebirds burrito. I fell in love with these when my sister treated me on my birthday.
I went to a candlelight service last night for the women's ACTS retreat of our diocese. It was wonderful. A much-needed breath of fresh air. So much unbelievable love. The place was filled with the Holy Spirit. It was overwhelming in the best way. Afterward I resolved to start going to mass again with more regularity. I've been feeling so guilty over my binges/purges and confused about the legitimacy of my fasting and also afraid of accidentally purging the Eucharist, that I just avoided church altogether. But now that I'm eating well (although I should not be waiting for that as a condition), I realize my need for more of Him. And I found out (or re-remembered, rather) that there's a daily mass at 5PM at my parish (so no need to wake up ridiculously early), AND it's said, if I remember correctly, by my favorite priest. He's so wise and his sermons always wake me up and get me thinking and out of my comfort zone. Oh, I hope I'm right that it's him saying the mass. I mean, mass is mass, but a good homily can sometimes help a stuck person!
Lastly, I heard a song today with lyrics that really stuck with me; it's from an old hymn:
O what peace we often forfeit,
O what needless pain we bear,
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
all because we do not carry
everything to God in prayer.
Man, I don't know about you, but that sure rings true to me. Forfeited peace? Needless pain? Ouch.
[www.photographytips.com.au] |
Trying out my (secondhand) iPod touch my brother gave me for my bday. I don't care if it's not new, its awesome!
The pic (if it shows up) is of my dog who's currently in labor!
The pic (if it shows up) is of my dog who's currently in labor!
I've got it!
I believe I've come upon what I should do. Sort of like the coffee-plan (from my older post), I guess it's closest. But it's this: eat-as-little-as-possible-while-still-consuming-something.
I am not a good fast-er. What happens is if I get past the first day, then I'm on a roll. That is, until day 6 or 7 rolls around. By then I've been dreaming vividly of food for the past few nights, and daydreaming during the days. So I'll break down and eat a tiny bit. Truly, not a bad amount. But then, the day after I ate, all hell breaks loose, and I eat, freak, binge, purge, eat.... the infamous Cycle.
Basically, I'll be eating only when I'm hungry, but that's hard to do in reality since I'm always hungry AND never hungry. So I'll try my best to judge when to eat. Maybe 3-4 times a day, 50 calories each? We'll see.
Update: I'm 131.4. FML.
I am not a good fast-er. What happens is if I get past the first day, then I'm on a roll. That is, until day 6 or 7 rolls around. By then I've been dreaming vividly of food for the past few nights, and daydreaming during the days. So I'll break down and eat a tiny bit. Truly, not a bad amount. But then, the day after I ate, all hell breaks loose, and I eat, freak, binge, purge, eat.... the infamous Cycle.
Basically, I'll be eating only when I'm hungry, but that's hard to do in reality since I'm always hungry AND never hungry. So I'll try my best to judge when to eat. Maybe 3-4 times a day, 50 calories each? We'll see.
Update: I'm 131.4. FML.
day 1
I'm quite ashamed to list these things, but I have to for my own records. This is where I'm at right now:
wow. I hope this will mostly or all change in the next 35 days.
- 134 pounds (almost to my highest weight, it's killing me)
- need abilify and pristiq to be ok
- need nyquil to sleep
- not making bed
- not doing laundry
- not cleaning room
- not doing schoolwork
- skipping classes
wow. I hope this will mostly or all change in the next 35 days.
[google.com] |
input? please?
OK. I have a super hard time deciding what/how/when/where/etc. to eat. I will list some of the options, the pros and cons I have, and ask: Which would you advise and WHY? What's your reasoning? Please. I really need feedback.
Option 1
CON-I don't particularly care for Larabars; and if I eat the whole thing real early and then get hungry then I might frustrate myself (but that's my own consequence, I guess).
Option 2
CON-more potential mental stress (because the more often I eat, the more I anxious I am - go figure).
Option 3
CON-I may (and do) get hungry during the day; and it is also easy to overeat (past the 200-mark) when it's been a long day and I'm hungry and I rationalize that it's OK.
Option 4
CON-more mental stress about frequency of food; and it's easy to overdo it if I'm not constantly aware of how much I have eaten already; also if for some reason I'm hungrier than usual, the "voices" in my mind (ED, not real voices) will freak out if I eat more than I said I would.
I'm leaning toward option 2, but I still want input.
Option 1
- 1 lemon Larabar (220) during the day, no specific time(s) to eat.
CON-I don't particularly care for Larabars; and if I eat the whole thing real early and then get hungry then I might frustrate myself (but that's my own consequence, I guess).
[freshman5k.files.wordpress.com] |
Option 2
- 1 meal (100) at noon; 1 meal (100) at 4:30
CON-more potential mental stress (because the more often I eat, the more I anxious I am - go figure).
[tcdailyplanet.net] |
- 1 meal (200) at 4:30 PM
CON-I may (and do) get hungry during the day; and it is also easy to overeat (past the 200-mark) when it's been a long day and I'm hungry and I rationalize that it's OK.
[the food network] |
- 1 bite of food after every cup of coffee (2-5 x 50)
CON-more mental stress about frequency of food; and it's easy to overdo it if I'm not constantly aware of how much I have eaten already; also if for some reason I'm hungrier than usual, the "voices" in my mind (ED, not real voices) will freak out if I eat more than I said I would.
[corporatewellnessinsights.com] |
mad bird
I want to be able to eat. Like, just - eat. Not eat-and-throw-it-up, not eat-and-swear-to-fast, not eat-and-panic. Just eat.
My best friend, who has anorexia/bulimia, is finally getting help. Again, yes. The past times haven't worked for her. But I'm so proud she's not saying "fuck it" and not trying again one more time. When she's this recovery-oriented, she is a motivating factor to me to get my head out of my ass and put it on straight.
I do NOT want to be "that 50-year-old anorexic." I do
NOT want to be bulimic into my late adult years. I just don't want
it. Even if I'm not thin, I want to be able to eat some food; some and not all, some and not none.
It's getting super hard today. I ate maybe 3 times. Not full meals. Just a bite or two bites or a bowl of something. But already the calories are calculated in my head and I have not only exceeded, but gone double on my O.K. calorie amount. I am anxious. I am frustrated. I want (my natural track) to fuck-it-binge, now-I-gotta-purge, and tomorrow-nothing-I-swear. That's what I always do. And not only does it make me CRAZY and unhappy, but I gain weight! I mean, come on. It's not like eating and being ok is going to make me fat. Bulimia's making me fat. This cannot go on.
So I had today:
12PM - 1 PB cracker; 2 bites curried lentils; bite of chicken
3PM - many bites of curried lentils; 5 PB crackers
Already my mind is saying "stop! no! you've overdone it! go back! get it out! you can't do this!". But seriously? I'm not Mad Bird for nothing. One day I want to be Happy Bird or something equally cheesy, but you get the idea. So, Mind, you can go fuck yourself. Shut up. I'm moving forward.
My best friend, who has anorexia/bulimia, is finally getting help. Again, yes. The past times haven't worked for her. But I'm so proud she's not saying "fuck it" and not trying again one more time. When she's this recovery-oriented, she is a motivating factor to me to get my head out of my ass and put it on straight.
[the renfrew center] |
It's getting super hard today. I ate maybe 3 times. Not full meals. Just a bite or two bites or a bowl of something. But already the calories are calculated in my head and I have not only exceeded, but gone double on my O.K. calorie amount. I am anxious. I am frustrated. I want (my natural track) to fuck-it-binge, now-I-gotta-purge, and tomorrow-nothing-I-swear. That's what I always do. And not only does it make me CRAZY and unhappy, but I gain weight! I mean, come on. It's not like eating and being ok is going to make me fat. Bulimia's making me fat. This cannot go on.
So I had today:
12PM - 1 PB cracker; 2 bites curried lentils; bite of chicken
3PM - many bites of curried lentils; 5 PB crackers
Already my mind is saying "stop! no! you've overdone it! go back! get it out! you can't do this!". But seriously? I'm not Mad Bird for nothing. One day I want to be Happy Bird or something equally cheesy, but you get the idea. So, Mind, you can go fuck yourself. Shut up. I'm moving forward.
[unknown] |
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